Thai Food Made Easy | Prawn Congee
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Prawn Congee

Prawn Congee

Thai food menu online

Prawn Congee

Serve: 2


200 gram                Cooked rice

100 gram                Cooked king prawns

1                               Fried Cakoi/Youteao

700ml                     Water

2                               Poached egg

1                               Chicken stock cube

1                               Spring onion – finely sliced

1/2 tsp                     Sugar

1 tsp                         Light soy sauce

1/2 tsp                     Fish sauce 

Pinch                       Ground black pepper


– Put the water, chicken stock cube and cooked rice into a pan. Bring it to a boil, then simmer for 15 minutes.

– Remove the pan from the heat.
– Use an electric handheld blender to blend the rice soup for 30 seconds (blend for 1 minute if  you  prefer a smoother consistency).
– Return the pan back onto the hob, add the cooked prawns, sugar, light soy sauce and fish sauce. Then simmer for another 3 minutes.
– Put the Prawn Congee into a serving bowl and top with a poached egg, spring onion, sliced cakoi/youteao and ground black pepper.
– Keep adding extra water if you prefer Prawn Congee to have a lighter consistency.
– Add some Julienne slices of fresh ginger to lift this dish up.
– Feel free to add extra seasoning. Some Thais put chilli flakes and rice vinegar to intensify the flavour.
Thai food menu online