Thai Food Made Easy | About
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Simply Delicious Thai Recepies


I am a Recipe developer; Cook–along host, Cooking Demonstrator, and Blogger. I help food lovers have more fun in cooking, to improve their cooking and dining experience.

I am a specialist in Oriental food. I love promoting how easy Thai food can be with sustainability in mind.

I launched in late 2017. My background in Marketing started when I graduated in Thailand and worked for some big companies i.e. Toyota, Samsung, Pantene, and Sony, etc. I decided to travel the world learning about many cuisines and cultures. I worked in Miami, the Caribbean, and Asia pacific.

I decided to turn my passion of food into “a small business that does well”. I proudly serve my customers through Recipe Development, Brand Engagement, Corporate and Private cooking classes, Chef Demonstrations and Hosting, Social Media Marketing.

If you have any questions or you think I can help you achieve your goals just get in touch.

Sample Past Work