Thai Food Made Easy | KRA POW FRIED RICE (VEGAN)
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Kra Pow Fried Rice (Vegan)

Kra Pow Fried Rice (Vegan)

Serve: 2


400 gram                                 Cooked Thai Jasmine rice – leave it to cool

100 gram                                 Tempeh or Extra-firm tofu – cubed

60 gram                                   Chestnut mushroom – sliced

40 gram                                   Broccoli – part boiled

20 gram                                   Red chilli – chopped or sliced

12 gram                                   Basil leaves

2 clove                                     Garlic – finely chopped

60ml                                       Vegetable oil

3/4 tablespoon                         Light Soy sauce

1 teaspoon                              Dark soy sauce

1-2 teaspoon                           Vegan yeast extract spread (Marmite)

1/2 teaspoon                           Sugar

1/2 teaspoon                           Lemon juice

1 pinch                                   Salt and ground black pepper 






-Gently fry the tempeh with salt and pepper in 20ml of oil. Once the tempeh turns golden brown, remove it out of the frying pan. Set aside on a kitchen towel to drain the excess oil.

-Return the same pan on the hob. Then fry the mushrooms until cooked.

-Add the rest of the oil, garlic and chili. Stir until the herbs are infused. 

-In goes the cooked rice and broccoli. Quickly fold all the ingredients together. 

-Season with light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sugar and yeast extract spread, fold them all together.

-Lastly, put in the basil leaves, cooked Tempeh and lemon juice. Stir well.

-Enjoy this aromatic Thai dish immediately. 


-Stir fry is all about quick cooking. Hence, make sure you prepare all the ingredients and seasonings in advance, keep an eye on the wok at all times and put the right ingredients in at the right time.

-Tempeh is very easily burnt. Usually, it only takes 2-3 minutes to turn golden brown. 

-Feel free to add a tablespoon of water if your fried-rice looks a bit dry.

-What is Tempeh? Click here to find out this superfood that originated from Far East Asia: Tempeh.

-Check out my other vegan recipes here : Vegan Thai Food.

Kra Pow Fried Rice (Vegan)