Serve: 2
50 gram Chia seeds
1 Mango – cubed
250ml Milk of your choice
100ml Coconut milk
1 tbs Desiccated coconut
1 tbs Honey
1/2 tbs Coconut sugar
-Gently boiled the coconut milk, then leave it to cool.
-Mix Chia seeds, coconut milk, milk and coconut sugar in a bowl. Then leave it overnight in the fridge.
-Once you are ready to eat. Transfer the Chia seeds mixture into two separate bowls. Put the mango cubes, desiccated coconut and honey on the top.
-Your dessert breakfast is served. Enjoy.
– I prefer to serve this luscious breakfast dessert warm. I heat them just before garnishing with mango, desiccated coconut and honey.