Thai Food Made Easy | PAD KEE MAO (VEGAN)
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Pad Kee Mao

Pad Kee Mao 

Serve: 1


100 gram                                Rice noodles

100 gram                                Chestnut mushrooms – thinly sliced  

50 gram                                  Fried tofu (optional)                        

20 gram                                  Celery stock

10 gram                                  Red chilli – sliced

8 gram                                   Basil

2 tablespoon                           Vegetable oil

1/2 tablespoon                        Light soy sauce

1 teaspooon                            Yeast extract

1/2 teaspoon                           Sugar

1/4 teaspoon                           Lemon juice

2 clove                                    Garlic – finely chopped

1 pinch                                    Salt and ground black pepper






-Prepare the rice noodles according to the instructions on the package.

-Put the vegetable oil in a frying pan. Add the mushrooms and tofu, fry until the mushrooms are cooked. Remove the mushrooms and tofu, transfer/set aside on a plate. Don’t wash the pan.

-In goes the garlic and chili in the same frying pan. Stir until the herbs are infused (approx 30 seconds – 1 minute). Add the rice noodles, light soy sauce, celery stock, yeast extract and sugar. Stir all the ingredients well. Adding a little oil if you wanted too.

– Add the basil, mushrooms, tofu, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Stir all the ingredients together. Serve immediately. 


– Finding it difficult to tackle the rice noodles as it’s sticky? I always soak the rice noodles for at least 2 hours or 10 minutes in warm water prior to cooking.

Pad Kee Mow or Drunken noodles is a popular street food dish in Thailand. Click here to see what it comprises of. 

-Check out this link for non-vegan Drunken noodles recipe. 

Pad Kee Mao