Pineapple Fritter
Serve: 2
4 slice Pineapple
50 gram Self-Raising Flour
5 gram Caster sugar
1/4 teaspoon Baking powder
1/8 teaspoon Ground cinnamon
1 scoop Vanilla ice cream (optional)
150 milliliter Vegetable oil
100 milliliter Cold soda water
1 pinch Desiccated coconut
-Heat the oil to a medium to high heat in a small saucepan or deep frying pan.
-Lay the pineapple slices on a kitchen towel to absorb the excess liquid.
-Put the self-raising flour, caster sugar, baking powder, ground cinnamon and cold soda water in a mixing bowl. Use a handheld whisker to whisk the batter until it’s smooth. Do not over whisk.
-Drop a pineapple slice in the batter. Transfer and fry each side until it turns crispy and golden brown. Place it on a kitchen towel to absorb the exccess oil. Repeat the same process with the rest of the pineapple.
-Lay the pineapple fritter on a lovely plate. Sprinkle with desiccated coconut and ice cream of your choice, yogurt or just a dollop of honey.
– For a super light and crispy batter, make sure you use super cold soda water.
-I used the pineapple sliced from a can. Make sure you use ripe pineapple if wanting a fresh one.
-Fancy another Thai dessert? How about the classic Mango and Sweet sticky rice?
-Click here to see how to pick a perfect pineapple.